
Correspondence Table

Correspondence Table – Magical Correspondence is an ancient art and works according to the law of similarity. For example The peel of an orange is similar in color and appearance to the sun’s corona, which is why we associate oranges with the Sun. In other words, we consider them to have the energy of the Sun. If, for example, you want to invoke Archangel Michael, you will use the scent of orange peel or some other scent (olibanum, frankincense, clove) that belongs to the Sun in order to strengthen the vibrations and increase the flow of the Sun’s energy.

If you are doing an invocation of the goddess Diana for a full moon then you can use whatever belongs to the moon as needed. For example, you can put a silver Goblet, Fairy fork or willow pendant on the Altar, light a jasmine or camphor incense stick, put a silver pendant with a moonstone around your neck, etc.

So experience has shown that there is a connection between plants, metals, colors, smells, precious stones, angels, gods and planets. This works according to the principle “as above, so below”, “as in heaven, so on earth”. People who are clairvoyant can see that the tone C produces red light. So the color red is associated with the tone C.

The science of signatures

The science of signatures (signs of nature) says that God has woven his signs and their purpose into nature. By observing the color of the flower or the shape of the leaf and root, we can determine which organs we can treat. Thus, since the seer (Euphrasia Officinalis) has a dark spot on its petals, it looks like an eye, it cures eye diseases, and in combination with chamomile, it is also used to develop clairvoyance. Lungwort (Pulmonaria Officinalis) has white dots on its leaves and is believed to cure lung diseases.

Aleister Crowley

Aleister Crowley defined magic as the art of creating change according to one’s will. A magician seeks to communicate with spirits, angels and gods. In order to succeed in this, he will put on the Altar everything that is connected with the spirits in question that he wants to invoke. Let’s say you want to increase courage. The color red is associated with Mars and the feeling of courage. To invoke this quality on the Altar, light a red candle, wear red clothes, visualize that you are surrounded by red light and that you are a fearless warrior. You hold a sword and a shield in your hand. Imagine the power flowing into you from Mars that fills you with courage and self-confidence.

Over time, you will be able to create your own correspondences.

Correspondence Table
Correspondence Table

Greek Gods, Goddesses and Planets

Sun – Apollo
Moon – Diana
Mercury – Hermes
Venus – Aphrodite
Mars – Ares
Jupiter – Zeus and Hera
Saturn – Kronos
Uranus – Ouranos
Neptune – Poseidon
Pluto – Hades

Correspondence according to the following sources:
Spiral Dance, Starhawk
The Practice of Ritual Magic, Gareth Knight

The science of signatures

The science of signatures, which originates from the time of Dioskurdus and Galen, is based on the belief that certain plant species that, by their shape, color, texture, etc., resemble certain human organs or symptoms that a certain disease causes in a person, serve to treat these organs.

Foods that strangely resemble human organs and that heal are described on the page:

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